Fire Emblem Thracia 776 English Patch

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Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 is a midquel that takes place between Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 of the previous game, Genealogy of the Holy War, a year before Chapter 6 specifically. The setting and game events occur on the Thracian peninsula in southeastern Jugdral in Gran Calendar Year 776, hence the. Project Exile -Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 Fan Translation, has been released. This means that all Fire Emblem games are available in English now with high quality.

Fire Emblem Thracia 776 English Patch Book

You can see each enemy’s inventory by placing the cursor over his on the image. The blue squares with numbers are your unit’s starting places, according to the list on the Battle Preparations (left to right, up and down, you can try to adjust them).
- Master Sword / Meisterschwert')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Haldberd')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Wind Sword / E. de viento')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Master Bow / Meisterbogen')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Devil Axe / H. demoniaca')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Venin Axe / H. Envenenada')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Vouge / Guja')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Jörmungandr
- Rewarp / Teletransportar')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Jörmungandr
- Physic / Sanar')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Jörmungandr
- Physic / Sanar')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Jörmungandr
- Physic / Sanar')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Silver Sword / E. de plata')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Sleep Edge / E. dormir')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Killing Edge / E. asesina ')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Silver Bow / A. de plata')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>- Posion Sword')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>
- Silver Sword / E. de plata
- Luna Manual / Libro Selene')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>

Main objective: Take the castle

- There are tiles on the map (yellow circles) that will send a unit to another location (arrows) if you place someone on them. You can't deactivate them, but you can avoid them by using an item before you end your turn on one of these 'warp tiles' (obviously this method won't work for a mounted unit that is using its remaining movement). You can also avoid them by rescuing/transferring rescued units/dropping a rescued unit, and by using a Warp or Rewarp staff.
- Another thing: it's difficult to distinguish between the parts of the forest that your units can cross on foot, and the parts of the forest that they can't. Any forest tile that your units cannot traverse is in black.

Fire Emblem Thracia 776 English Patch

Items, Villages, Treasure:
- A lot. Place the cursor over the map to see (Luna Manual, Vouge, Master Bow, Sleep Edge, Master Sword, Wind Sword, Haldberd).

New units:
- Shannam (swordmaster). Speak to him with Homeros.
- Sara (Sister). She'll appear on Turn 2 as an enemy. Speak to her with Leif.
Sara will warp on the following turn to location A, and later B and C, if she is still an enemy unit.
- Miranda (mage). She joins when you place Leif on the small castle (monastery).

Enemy reinforcements:
- Turn 2 to 20, approximately: 1 Sorcerer (in the middle of the three Sorcerers that are initially there; they have the same level and items)

Special Event:
- Talks: Salem > Sara (Sara must be enemy) [the english patch has errors here]


General Strategy:
- Minimum number of units you can use: 8
- Maximum number of units: 12 + 3 (recruitable)
There's nothing in this chapter you haven't seen before and the objective is to escape. The truth is that this chapter isn't very difficult, except for an annoying Dark Bishop who has the Berserk staff, which will confuse any affected unit, causing that unit to attack his own allies.
It's for this reason that as soon as you select your units, equip them with some Holy Water, a Ensorcel (raises magic), or Restore that they gave to you in the previous chapter, which can immediately cure any units affected with status ailments. So the first thing that you should do is to get rid of the boss at all costs with a flying unit (like Deen) so that he doesn't bother you.

Fire Emblem Thracia 776 English Patch

About the other enemies: they won't move unless you approach them. Among them is Shannam, who is not that great of a unit, but he'll help you out a lot when he buys items thanks to his skill, Bargain, which gives him a 50% discount on everything. In order to recruit him, you have to talk to him with Homeros.

Fire Emblem Thracia 776 English Patch

Some of the enemies have objects that are really worth stealing, like Master Swords, Osian's Vouge, the boss's Berserk Staff, and also a Luna Manual (the same skill that Mareeta has), which will enable you to negate an enemy's defense.
The reinforcements are Sorcerers that will arrive each turn from the castle, but the good thing is that they come packing some nice staves, and they'll also give you a lot of experience when you kill them. On Turn 2, Sara will appear. She's an great magic unit who also has excellent skills. She'll warp herself on each turn, so when you get close, speak to her with Leif.

Once you arrive at the castle, take it with Leif and Miranda will join your team. Finally, when you believe it's convenient for you to escape…well, you already know where the exit is.

Boss - Data
- Class: Dark Bishop (Level 5)
- Weapon Level: A A E E E
- Skills: None.
Leadership2Double atk. Crit.0
- Berserk Staff
- Jörmungandr
Mov. Stars (Vigor)

Fire Emblem Thracia 776 Rom English Translation

If you have a good flying unit, you can defeat him on the first turn and even capture him. If you don't, use your flying units to bring over some units who can.

New Thracia 776 Translation - NES And SNES Era

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